Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's a New Day!

We got to South Carolina yesterday morning ().  I drove with my sisters, two four year olds (my daughter and niece), and an almost 2 year old (my son).  It is sad to say but driving food is so unhealthy.  The snacks we packed were more for keeping them quiet for our 9 hour trip then really trying to “be good”.  This was an impromptu adventure, my grandpa was put in to hospice with not many days left, so we were just trying to leave fast, so we didn't really care about our choices. The saving grace was that most of the snacks were in the back of van by girls rather than by me. 

After a few hours of sleep after we got there, the troops were up and running.  The only thing I was running for was coffee!!!  We got the kids ready to go to the hospice house and the next thing I knew I was hearing screams from the back room.  The little girls were playing as we finished getting things together to go, and my daughter hit her head on the bench in the bedroom.  I heard the scream and knew we were heading to the hospital!  So 4 stitches later, we finally made it to see grandpa.  The visit with him was short.  It breaks my heart to see such a strong man in such a fragile state! 

Once the visit was over we went to dinner, at this point diet was so far from my mind.  The only thing I could think about was comfort.  The stress of the day and the emotional rollercoaster was just too much!  So it was fried fish, hush puppies and onion rings, and cookies and chocolate candy! 

I really didn’t care about my choices until the morning! It is funny how you start to feel guilty after you start trying to watch what you are eating and blow it!  So this morning as I was waking up I decided it is a new day!  I know my grandpa’s outcome!  I know these next few weeks are going to be crazy…..but that is even more of a reason to take care of myself.  I learned from taking care of my husband while he was sick how your really can forget about your health!  So Today is a new day!!! No beating myself up….good choices today!!! 


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