Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Morning Workout

ZUMBA was this morning!  I got the kids up, we dashed around the house, and out the door by , which is early for us.  (I must say that that since they are older it is a bit easier to get out before !)  Dana was ready to kick our butts from the moment the music started!   I had to laugh though…..during the workout Dana reminded us to hold our abs in.  My first thought was like a light bulb going off….I guess holding your abs in would be smart.  So I squeezed them in….well at least I tried to (after two c-sections I am never sure if the lower ones are doing anything)!  So I focused really hard to keep them tight….but the bad thing is I forgot to breathe!!!!  LOL…..I can only imagine my facials as I am not breathing fighting to hold these non-existing abs in!!! Once I realized what I was doing it took me forever to recover!! Oh the joys of getting in shape! 

But I have to say I do like working out in the morning!  Although it is crazy getting out of the house…..I find that I eat better the rest of the day because I hate to ruin all the hard work I put into my workout.  I think when I workout at night I feel I can cheat more during the day b/c I am going to work it off anyway!  Oh how distorted my little mind can be.  Another great advantage is  it gets me up and moving!  I don’t get sucked into the computer or anything else….I start off being productive & then have more energy for the rest of the day….and I make sure I get my workout in – No excuses!!!  So right now I am very thankful that my schedule (and kids) allows me to dance my mornings away!!!


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