Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Year Cancer Free!

Yesterday was an awesome day!  1 year anniversary of being Cancer Free (my hubby’s surgery day)!

We spent the day at the pumpkin patch with our two little kiddos.  The weather was awesome!  As we sat on the bail of hay, I looked at my watch and shared with him what I had been doing at that time, a year prior!  Since he doesn’t remember much of the week we were at Cleveland Clinic, I fill in many of the details – good & bad!  I share what it was like being there out of control, watching him endure such a hard and trying time. 

When I sit here and think about all we have done in the past year I am amazed!  I can’t believe we made it through surgery, the week away from my kids while he was in the hospital (and I was nursing), taking care of him & kids as he recovered, 6 months of chemo, the loss of my two grandparents!  As we reflected now we were in complete awe of how blessed we are.  

I shared today with someone at zumba about my day I had with my hubby and how we were really celebrating life….her response….you should celebrate it each day!  And we should!  Even in the midst of the storm, we are blessed.  Each day is such a gift & as much as I hated going through all this, I am glad I learned to appreciate life, my marriage, & my family now instead of wasting it on sweating the small stuff! 

I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with my hubby – marriage & cancer free!  


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