Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We had our first high school reunion the day after Thanksgiving.  It is hard to believe that I have been out of high school for 10 years.  It is one of those situations that I say I can’t believe it has only been 10 years since I graduated, and in the same breath shock that 10 years has passed so quickly.  I can’t believe all that I have accomplished and survived since high school ended. 

I have been excited and dreading this day for awhile.  On one hand I really wanted to see a few people that I went to school and shared so many memories with.  On the hand I was a lot skinner in high school, kids and life have changed my body greatly, the fear of being the “fat girl” worried me. 

Well on the day of the reunion I was going back and forth on if I really wanted to go.  Finally at 6pm I decided that I have worked really hard to lose the 20lbs I have recently lost to stay home.  The people that I wanted to see were not going to care if I wasn’t as small as I use to be.  So I got dressed, dropped the kiddos off, and off we went to the reunion.

I have to say, I am so happy I went.  Knowing how hard I have been working, I walked in with confidence, and was proud to show off the new me!  I had a great time catching up with old friends, and talking about our old high school memories.  We also had a blast trying to figure out who half the people in the room were.  Not sure half of those people were at the right reunion….LOL…wow if 10 years was hard, I hate to try to recognize people after 20. 

I will continue to work hard at losing this weight until I reach my goal (with each lb that comes off I notice I feel happier and the confidence continues to grow) – then I will hard to maintain that weight.  I am not on a diet – I am living a new life style. 


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