Friday, August 5, 2011

Whats for Dinner?

I don’t know how many times I have been so busy during the day that I lose track of time and then realize it is either lunch or dinner time.  (Usually cranky hungry kids remind me!)  I then try to drop what I am doing, search the pantry and fridge and figure out what to make.  Usually two things happen: 1. I am in such a hurry that I just grab convenience and not healthy (my babysitter meals). 2. I realize I am hungry and snack the whole time I am cooking, and then I am full when the meal is ready, but feel I have to eat it since I made it.  Not a good situation!!! 

So…...starting this week I am getting back to my scheduled meals!  Last time I did really well losing weight I tried really hard to plan my meals for the week.  With all the kids events and coaching I think it is going to help save time, crazies, and pounds if I have a game plan!    So today I am going to sit down with my calendar and figure out what meals I will be cooking and go the store and get what I need so it is here for the week.  Last time I did this not only did I save money not buying things I wasn’t going to use, but I shopped quicker & smarter!  (Love new recipes so please share!)

Going to run to the Dollar Store and pick up another dry erase board to put on the fridge.  That way my family knows what is coming and if changes need to be made it is easy!!! 


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